Established in 2006, Condere specializes in mergers and acquisitions as well as in capital raising, helping shareholders, businessmen and executive officers to take better decisions and implement the best options regarding organic and inorganic growth for their companies.
We combine our extensive experience of corporate finance with our already recognized strategic vision in order to raise our clients to a level well beyond the obvious, from conception to execution of their transactions and projects.
Our clients include multinationals, publicly-held companies and family-owned groups in various economic sectors nationwide.
Through our exclusive partners, we have a global reach, focusing on cross-border M&A transactions, connecting our local clients with a wide range of other markets and business opportunities.
Our partners play a direct and active role in each project, immersing ourselves in the reality of the client. Our team deploys relevant sector-specific knowledge, leveraged by Condere’s experience in Brazil and by REACH worldwide.
We deliver independently and impartially conducted projects and transactions, with a focus on flexible and creative solutions: M&A without borders.

Brazil and Portugal
R. Joaquim Floriano, 1052
São Paulo
SP, 04534-004
+55 11 3165 5800
Av. República Nº 6, 1ºesquerdo,
1050-191 Lisboa
+351 213303744